Facilities Services

A view of the Duderstadt Center at night. The 270,000 square foot James and Anne Duderstadt Center was the first U-M academic building to operate 24 hours-a-day for the convenience of students and faculty

The 270,000 square foot James and Anne Duderstadt Center was the first U-M academic building to operate 24 hours-a-day for the convenience of students and faculty.

The Duderstadt Center facility is operated as a collaboration of multiple units including:

  • Digital Media Commons, a unit of the Office of the Vice Provost for Academic Innovation
  • Art, Architecture and Engineering Library, a unit of the U-M Library
  • CAEN, the College of Engineering IT Services provider
  • MuJo Cafe/MDining
  • U-M Facilities and Operations; Custodial Services and Grounds

Teams from each of these units work together to provide staff for daily operations, security, health and safety, custodial services, building mechanical equipment, network systems, space planning and capital improvements.

It’s a big job, requiring coordination and communication to operate services for the Dude’s 270,000 square feet of space, but are always eager to receive your input and feedback to make it all work even better for you. Email us at: dc-facilities@umich.edu.


  • General Information: Information Desk (1st floor): (734) 936-3191
  • Loading Dock: Shipping and Receiving: (734) 615-3190
  • Loading Dock: Temporary Parking permits: (734) 615-3190


Requests for Facilities Help

To request keys, building access, or cleaning, please go to our page: “Campus-Duderstadt Facilities” in the U-M Campus Services Catalog. Select “Request Service” – the big green button (requires U-M login) – and fill in the pertinent information on the form.

To report something broken, please go to our page: “Campus-Duderstadt Facilities (Break/Fix)” in the U-M Campus Services Catalog.  Select “Submit Incident” – the big green button (requires U-M login) – and fill in the pertinent information on the form.

To request event space and/or room reservations please email dc-scheduling@umich.edu.

Custodial Services

Custodial Services in the Duderstadt Center are provided by the Custodial Services division of U-M Facilities and Operations.

Locker Rentals

Lockers are available for rental this fall semester 2022. Please inquire about locker rentals via email to: dc-scheduling@umich.edu.

Lost & Found

Lost something? Check at the First Floor Information Desk where a secure but viewable container is located. At the end of each month, items of monetary value are transferred to the DPSS Office. DPSS maintains a dedicated Lost & Found page with an online form to make inquiries about lost items.