The Video Studio is now accepting proposals for “Faculty Priority Month”, May 2025 and proposal from everybody Academic Year 2026 and beyond.
The DMC Video Studio is an experimental media lab and high quality documentation space that is available to the entire University of Michigan’s community. Well equipped and staffed, it enables original concepts and ideas to be turned into rich media that can be shared with the world. The Video Studio is also a collaborative sandbox, where faculty, students, visiting educators, scientists and artists come to collaborate and to produce or display high quality video and audio and to experiment with media technology. Whether it be capturing green screen sequences, recording motion capture data, experimenting with projection mapping, or documenting an original performance using multiple cameras and microphones – to name just a fraction of the possibilities – Video Studio projects are typically experimental or academic and represent learning, teaching and research across the disciplines.
Our team is available to assist with the video, audio, lighting, design, and technical needs of your production.
For more information and studio policies, visit the Studio Resource Page.
Interested in using the studio? The Video Studio is available to members of the university community. Fill out your proposal form here.