Information and news for Duderstadt Center staff
IT Support Requests to DMC IT Operations now via TeamDynamix
The DMC IT Operations group provides IT technical support to DMC staff and for the equipment and applications in the user service areas listed below. Help requests should now be submitted using this TeamDynamix form (note: email acknowledgements and replies to your request will be from the sender “U-M TeamDynamix”). If you don’t know where your request for IT help should go, send it to us and we’ll figure it out for you!
- Conference Rooms A, B, and D (see floor plan for Rooms 1120A, 1120B and 1120D)
- Presentation Room 1180 (see floor plan for Room 1180)
- Advanced Training Labs 1 and 2 (see floor plan for Rooms 3336: A, B, C & D)
- Flex Labs A and B (see floor plan for Rooms 3358A and 3358B)
- VizHub workstations on the 2nd floor mezzanine (see 2nd Floor plan)
Submitting Facilities Requests and Incident Reporting
Please use our new TeamDynamix form for the following requests:
If you have a basic request for keys, building access or cleaning please select “Campus-Duderstadt Facilities” on the form. Then select “Request Service” and fill in the pertinent information.
If you are reporting something broken please select “Campus-Duderstadt Facilities (Break/Fix)”. Then select “Submit Incident” and fill in the pertinent information on the form.
Thank you, the Facilities Department looks forward to seeing you soon!
DC Staff: submitting content to the website
Submit Corrections and Feedback for the DC website (now on a single form): DC Website Feedback.
DMC Staff Only: Submitting Directory and Personal Profile Info
Form for uploading your DC Directory and Personal Profile information
You may upload your personal photo to be included in your Personal Profile into this Google Drive folder: Staff Personal Profile Images. Please submit a JPG or PNG file.
Upload your Resume and/or CV as a Google Doc* to be linked to your Personal Profile into this Google Drive folder (For the file title please use only your uniqname and the date in YYYY.MM.DD format): Staff CV Submissions (why a Google doc? Word docs may lose their formatting if uploaded. PDFs create a lot of extra work for the Web Editors : -)