To provide students on North Campus more convenient access to Math Mastery and Gateway assessment, the LSA Department of Mathematics Math Lab and the College of Engineering Center for Academic Success (ECAS) have opened a pilot Math Mastery Assessment Lab in a temporary space in the Duderstadt Center’s Lower Level.
The pilot lab, located in Room B474, supports Math 105 and 115, and in the winter semester plans are being made to also support Math 116, 214, 215, and possibly Math 216. The lab is a result of a suggestion from Campus Student Government (CSG) and is a collaboration between the College of Engineering Center for Academic Success, the LSA Department of Mathematics, LSA Information Technology, CAEN, and the Duderstadt Center. The lab space will initially be open for a two-term pilot through Winter semester 2023.
Hours: Sunday through Thursday, 4 p.m. to 10 p.m.
For more information contact the College of Engineering Center for Academic Success (ECAS): 734-615-8438; Chrysler Center, Room 273.