On December 3, 2024, the University of Michigan joins thousands of organizations from across the world by participating in Giving Tuesday. Making a gift to the Duderstadt Center will help support it’s ongoing collaborative work, and it’s place as a North Campus community hub.
Support cutting-edge technology, workshops, and labs that spark creativity and equip students with the tools they need to succeed.
Help maintain and enhance the collaborative spaces where students from diverse fields come together to solve problems, learn from one another, and form lifelong connections.
Ensure the Duderstadt Center remains a welcoming and inclusive place for students to dream big and thrive on North Campus.
See our Giving Tuesday page here: Diversity and Inclusion in Technology and Media
“Giving Tuesday” and “Giving Blueday”
The University of Michigan has two annual days of giving—two opportunities for everyone who loves Michigan to join together to combine their support and maximize impact for the causes, schools, units and student organizations they feel most passionate about. Giving Blueday will next take place on March 19, 2025. The U-M’s official crowdfunding hub for these initiatives is MaizeRaise.