Building-wide LED lighting conversion project begins in the Duderstadt Center

Homepage Slide Announcing the Building-wide LED lighting conversion Project In TheDuderstadtCenterproject

A project to convert existing interior lighting throughout the Duderstadt Center to more energy efficient LED lamps has begun in the Duderstadt Center. When complete the anticipated energy savings in the DC alone could reduce the building’s contribution to carbon dioxide emissions by 190 metric tons per year.

The Duderstadt Center Facilities Services team is coordinating the work throughout the building with project managers and technical crews from the U-M’s AEC Construction Services, AEC Construction Management, and from external vendors and contractors. DC building users can expect work crews to be active in areas throughout the building in the weeks ahead.

The project is one of several underway to help meet the U-M Ann Arbor Campus’ Sustainability Goals which include a reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by 25% by the year 2025. As of this year (2022), more than $15 million in funding from the U-M’s Revolving Energy Fund is allocated for conversions in more than 20 major facilities in the Ann Arbor campuses. You can find out more about campus-wide projects here: Revolving Energy Fund Projects including an extensive FAQ section regarding the LED program.

For specific questions regarding the LED project being performed in the Duderstadt Center, contact Robert Mills, Facilities Coordinator: